Looking for THE Vietnamese translation services which optimize your offerings for Vietnam market?


First of all, allow me to introduce myself: my name is Huyen, the lead of a Vietnamese translation group, and I would like to say thank you for visiting our home here of Vietnamese Translate team.


Vietnamese translation services team at Hanoi, Vietnam
Yes, Vietnamese Translate core team present ^^

We are a group of native Vietnamese translators, localizers and reviewers based in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city of Vietnam. And up to now, this is our fourth version of Vietnamese localization team, which mainly works on freelance basis but with collaborative spirit for a variety of works, from small to large projects.


Based in Vietnam and as all are Vietnamese natives, we focus on translation and localization from English to Vietnamese language combination only – at least at the moment, as our motto is to better be an expert at one thing than just average at every- and any-thing. (Duh!)


And as Vietnamese natives living in Vietnam, we have immersed ourselves in the Vietnam market, getting to know the ins and outs of Vietnamese language since births and later, further educated and trained to be a Vietnamese language translators and localizers, more often than not, we have helped businesses – small or big – like yours to access to Vietnam market benificially over the last decades.


So exactly what are your Vietnamese translation services?


Our works so far involve in many fields and walks of life, including computer / information technology, gaming, heavy industry / mining, life sciences, social and pure sciences, travel / tourism, business / marketing, law / patent to name some.


From software localization and adaptation, user manual and help guide localization to website translation and localization, document translation, to video scripting and localization, we work out through all and every step of project with our clients to deliver the most optimized results for the sake of supporting our clients to stay at the top of their game.


From my 10+ years of experience in this field, I find that being on time and quality delivery are like a must for every task and/or project. But that’s not all.
Convenience and being resourceful as well as helpful (yes, good consulting) are also the key to save time, money and effort for our clients. That’s why for every word we state, you are welcome to counter-attack at us if none of our words is delivered as expected.


And to keep things to the point, we’ve got a platform involving everybody in any given task and/or project to be centralized and streamlined the collaboration. This way, you, as our client, can easily track down every word we say in organized manner. (Oh, you don’t have to create this system because we’ll do it for you, upon your confirmation. Of course!).


What if it’s such a hassle to keep up-to-date with other stuffs, among million things you have to remember for your work? Don’t worry, we are that flexible to email you, upon request, of each phase / stage in project, so that you will still keep everything of project up-to-date without remembering other stuffs. Just open your mailbox and it’ll be there. Of course, get a peace of your mind that we don’t charge you for this either ^_^


As our offerings are of service nature, the best way to get you introduced to our work delivery is to have a test.
We welcome translation/localization test for English to Vietnamese language combination, but kindly keep it under 300 words per test and no more than 2 test pieces per client. Such test offerings are free of charge for you as it’s our way to show our quality promise to you. And our hope is that this way, you can have the best judgment and reassurance before selecting us to collaborate with you.
Of course, the good-old resume/CV is always available upon your demand.


Does this mean we only accept to work with big guys only? Definitely NO.

We don’t discriminate projects. Period.


Large project request is work. Small task request is still work. And thus, deliverables matching our client’s requirements is our ultimate goal. And personally? ‘Treat other in the way you want to be treated’ is our living compass here – as human beings – thus yes, we are happy to apply it everywhere in our service offerings.

So why should we discriminate, right?


Often, our working time is 8am to 6pm Mon-Fri. Yet, as one of our advantages is that we’ve got some oversea translators working in our team (no worry, they are still Vietnamese natives and yes, they are of our extended Vietnamese partners), don’t be surprised why on earth it appears that we sleep so little to no sleep at all, regardless project timeline? I guarantee we are not monsters or zombies or alike. We are human. So don’t be afraid of dropping by to say hello to us.


Of course, all questions, concerns, queries are welcome. Please click on the cutie pie of Support link in menu above to email us your ‘rant or rave’.

You want us to call back? Just give us a buzz 🙂

A visit to our office is feasible too, hmmmm if you bring some beers (sorry, I just LOVE beer!) or some drinking.

Your being is accepted too! Joking, joking. When you want to visit us, kindly drop us a message first – just for the sake of gathering a big party (excuse, excuse hehehe).


By the way, why not state price here? Well, not trying to be a debbie downer here but truly, it’s hard to give you exact quote when it comes to service offering in general and Vietnamese translation / localization in particular. This is because it greatly depends on technicality of subject to be worked on, combination of work volume and turn-around time, specific goal for translated/localized version (or so they say!) and other nada-yada (and quite ‘boring’) stuffs that you can be overwhelmed easily when going in-depth of localization jargon or whatever.


Instead, you can just go ahead and give us your sample for our review and then, we will TAILOR ourselves to your request on service. (Did I also say that it doesn’t matter whether your request is big or small!?). Leave all jargon and technicality to us, we’ll return a detailed response, addressing as many concerns as possible for your service request to make the most out of your request for your own project.


Of course, if you don’t want exact number, then our rate can range from $0.03 to $0.08/source word (and very up-for-negotiation). As in my opinion, long, stable and fruitful collaboration is invaluable; that’s why there’s this “very up-for-negotiation” 🙂


Ready to go?

Glad to know that. Estimation is the next step, if you don’t mind. Please fill the Contact form by clicking here with as much information as possible and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Your privacy is practiced with the most confidence and serious attitude here. We never use your information for any purposes other than to communicate with you concerning your request or under lawful order.


Thank you very much for your valuable time visiting us here.


With warmest regards (and again, good beer if we can meet ^^ )

Ms. Huyen – The Leader (or Ms. Magic) of Vietnamese Translate team

5pm May 29, from Hanoi, Vietnam with <3